
This is a smaller page with less worldbuilding content
Just to make things easier... I probably should have explained measurements beforehand. The smallest unit is an arca, which spans an average of 0.2 nanometres, or 0.008 nanometres cubed volume. A length of 5 arcas strung together is called a pent. a length of 5 billion arcas is about 1 metre, so 1 metre is equal to a gigapent. Don't expect these measurements to be used to any cultures or civilizations, it is purely for explanation benefit by measuring in terms of arcas. I have included tables for common metric conversions between Sarcinia and Earth.


Pent comes from penta- for 5.

Earth Metre
Arcalength 0.2
Pent 1 Nanometre 1e-9
Kilopent 1000 Micrometre 1e-6
Megapent 1e6 Millimetre 1e-3
Gigapent 1e9 Metre 1
Terapent 1e12 Kilometre 1000
Petapent 1e15 Megametre 1e6
Exapent 1e18 Gigametre 1e9
Zettapent 1e21 Terametre 1e12
Yottapent 1e24 Petametre 1e15
Ronnapent 1e27 Exametre
Quettapent 1e30 Zettametre 1e21


Apth comes from my contraction of A Pent to Three because one apth covers 125 arcas, which is 5^3.

Earth Litre
Arcalitre 0.008
1 Yoctolitre 1e-24
Kilapth 1000 Zeptolitre 1e-21
Megapth 1e6 Attolitre 1e-18
Gigapth 1e9 Femtolitre 1e-15
Terapth 1e12 Picolitre 1e-12
Petapth 1e15 Nanolitre 1e-9
Exapth 1e18 Microlitre 1e-6
Zettapth 1e21 Millilitre 1e-3
Yottapth 1e24 Litre 1
Ronnapth 1e27 Kilolitre 1000
Quettapth 1e30 Megalitre 1e6

honestly after i made this specific table i realized that i probably dont have to make up new units. but consider that i like making up new names :3


Time is measured in the same Earth minutes, hours, and days unless if specified otherwise.