

Bhanga is a kind of conical celestial, shaped similarly to an ice cream cone. Its predominant features are its umbric exterior fractured revealing a soft light in its terric core. From its pole to its nadir, it spans a measly 500 kilometres, but there is Proic life on this cone. Or should I say in this cone?

Deep within its chasms, the rocky exterior mellows. Pores dot the walls of the winding and vast ravines. Viscous milky liquid flows within the rock, and bubbles when it comes into contact with the space. The bubbles ooze, glow, spill, and even evaporate. The 'gas' collects sediment as it rises out of the chasms, both widening the cracks and forming invisible deposits of crystals on the dark surface. This also gives Bhanga somewhat of an atmosphere. This gas has also resulted in its cracks being slowly carved out throughout the millenia, and even forming seas as geological evolution progressed.

No seas
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From centremost to centrefarthest: Sea of Halitus, Sea of Mania, Sea of Culvers
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Sea of Ferity
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Calks that landed on Bhanga feel deep into its chasms, and into the internal ocean. These calks were like the base level of lifeform for the Proic area, designed to adapt to any circumstance. And here they adapted by amalgamating into the rich sediments within the ocean. It took a lot of time to build form, but the most persistent of lifeforms that resulted was the Lini.



The Lini were a sparse yet tenacious lifeform. Their stages of life bridge the lines we know of as plant and animal. They appear like elongated balloons, filled with gas. They sprout from orifices deep within Bhanga's cracks, where the ocean and ground is rich enough to sustain them. They do not appear to reproduce sexually or asexually, they sort of just appear when the conditions are right like a phenomena. They feed off of the natural energy from the atmospheric movements, travelling with the sediments like wind socks. The Lini that rise from the chasm eventually grew to separate into three clades; the welkinite, the tenebrous, and the abyssal.

Welkinite Lini


The welkinite Lini remained in the air after travelling upwards, orbiting in helical hurricanes in the atmosphere. Their abundance inadvertently shielded the celestial's umbric presence from the others, lightening its surface by acting as a sort of negative shadow. They travel side by side, at fast speeds. It is like the atmosphere is now filled with ghost creatures!

Tenebrous Lini


The tenebrous Lini are the Lini that fell out of the air onto the umbric surface below. Shrouded in darkness, these Lini are much more obscure and miserable than the welkinite Lini. They live around the large deposits of gemstone, like worms. More detail may come later.

Abyssal Lini


The abyssal Lini are Lini that fall back down into the chasm, and usually by its orifices or seas in enters the deep internal ocean. They are like eels. More detail may come later.