

Arcas take physical form like biological cells or 3-D Voronoi diagrams packed together to form randomly polyhedric yet uniform sized cells. The boundaries between the Arcas have a width of 0, as in they are imaginary. Each arca holds two properties, its Power (pota) and its State (delega). The properties are called arcana. Arcana is completely uniform throughout the arca, and arcanas of different arcas interact with each other through distributions. Although comparing size to our universe is irrelevant, to aid in relation we will say the width of an arca is between 0.01 and 0.03 nm. All arcas are static, and they are a permanent fixture of Sarcinia. Their shapes cannot be changed and they have existed before time (which by the way is also constant and forwards). Atoms may coexist with arcas, laying superimposed, but arcana cannot exist in a universe of atoms as they require arcas to host them.



The two attributes which constitute arcana, pota and delega, define arcas. Pota can be interpreted as the equivalent to electric charge in our world's atoms. Delega has less of an equivalent. Arcana travels across arcas, and interacts with other arcas by exchanging pota based on what the delega dictates. Arcana can diffuse, in turn possibly causing the phenomenon of light. Lot's of interesting things to come from arcanas.



Pota is the power of arcana. Potas pulse on sinusoidal rhythms. The rhythms can be extremely fast, extremely slow, and anywhen in between. Different intervals attract arcana to each other to form molecules. If the pota of a given arcana within an arca is 0, the arca is empty.



Delega is the state, or instructions of arcana. It poses physical direction, pota transfer, and relations with other arcanas. It is not really possible to have zero delega, that's like having a polygon without sides. Delega remnants may be able to be recovered from empty arca who've cleared their pota. It is not possible to determine residual delega in arca without reintroducing pota. On a realistic scale delega remnants are so miniscule that they are negligent, but they offer insight into Sarcinian history like footprints in sand.



Through some unexplained event, an altered form of pota "mutated" in arcana. This mutated pota is called spirit. Its strange attributes acted the same as pota would, except with the added form of a self. In this world's "organisms", spirit flows throughout their bodies, and the self is spread throughout them. Our human bodies have multiple organs. A heart cannot think in the way a brain can, and a brain cannot pump blood in the way a heart can. This is more vague for Sarcinian life. Organs may act as different lifeforms all together, working together in harmony as they see fit. Organ transfer is much easier for Sarcinians than for humans.



When arcana bound together to form distribution configurations, the arcana lasts much longer and stabler. These configurations, called molecules can move around across arcas. Their shape may minutely alter, but the configurations in place between the arcana within it do not (unless if exterior forces are in play). Molecules can be as simple as a complementary bond between 2 arcana, or as complex as thousands of arcana defining just a single one. Molecules can usually be differentiated from each other because of their repeating patterns.



The forces that compel arcana together can be seen as gravity, but it is not the gravity that we know here. Instead of gravity's correlation to mass, gravity in Sarcinia comes from synchronization en masse of many arcanas' delega in conjunction with dense pota. A heavier construct may host less gravitational attraction than a lighter one, given the lighter one has a higher level of synchronized delega. However as a similarity in both, in most circumstances, structures with notable gravitational force are extremely large.



Light appears as excess pota from emitting delegas interacting with other arcana. This continuum of travelling pota provides light, and in stagnant areas with no emitting delega there is darkness. For most purposes it acts as one would expect for our universe, but with the exception of darkness of its own accord. Colour is not defined by specific frequencies of wavelengths, but it is inadvertently defined by molecule's delega. Transparency and translucency are allowed. For most drawings I make for Sarcinia, all colours will be approximations.